When you lose your job, a common thought is, “I don’t like working for a boss, why don’t I work for myself?” That thought usually spawns ideas and before you know it you’re registering your business name and you need business cards. Self employed business cards tend to take on two distinct forms.
Idea One – I want my one man business to look like there are other employees and not to look like I’m running my business out of my bedroom.
Idea Two – I want people to know that I’m the boss and they’ll always deal directly with me. I don’t mind meeting my clients at Starbucks.
If you’re in the first group of self employed people and want your business cards to look like you have two hundred lackey’s working for you then make sure that your self employed business card is designed professionally. That word “professional” doesn’t mean the local printer. They usually prefer pre-made templates and don’t do much logo design. You should plan to pay a decent amount of money to have a logo and busines card professionally designed. Prices range from $200-800 for a good design.
If you’re in the second group and want people to know that you’re self employed and happy about not telling anyone what to do, consider a simpler approach to business card design. You can experiment with creativity and humor. Colors and styles are at your disposal. Maybe you should even hand write your business cards.
Whichever group you fall in, when designing self employed business cards, plan the card and draft your ideas. Work on them for a few days before you get them printed. Make sure they have all of the information you want on the business cards and that they sell you and your product above all else.