Jeremy Wright, President of B5 Media, posted some business cards that he took to TechCrunch 7. What makes this business card stand out to me is the fact that they were printed specifically for TC 7. They even have “@techcruch” on the front of them.
Jeremy says, “I’ve always, always had issues with business cards. After every event, I try and email folk to say thanks and see if there are any opportunities there. But I have two problems…
I can’t figure out where I met each person… Was it a dinner? A conference? A party?”
Makes sense to me, put the event on the front of the business card and you’ll remind the recipient of the time and event in which you handed them the business card.
Here are my suggestions for Jeremy’s business card.
1. Lose the greenish yellow bar. The color of the bar does nothing for me. I would rather see the card have some angled stripes separating the logo from the contact info.
2. Move the “@techcrunch”. I don’t like how the techcrunch tag blocks part of the reflection of the logo. The logo looks perfect, but the techcruch tag should be placed below the reflection.
3. Add something unique. I would make a large version of the logo and turn it a little, set the opacity to about 25% and put it on the left side behind the current logo. That would give the business card some character.
Other than those three suggestions I like the font used for both the logo and the text, and I also like the simplicity of the overall business card.
Good luck Jeremy!